Arthropoda: exoskeleton - crabs, crayfish and lobster
Chordata: vertebrates, animals with a spine
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Classes in Chordata
jawless fish
lamprey, hagfish
cartilaginous fish
sharks and rays
bony fish
e.g., perch, salmon
salamanders, toads, frogs
lizards and snakes
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Orders in Mammalia: Part 1
The even-toed ungulates, an order of mammals that includes the camels, pigs, and ruminants, together with numerous extinct varieties. They are the most successful of the hoofed mammals.
An order that comprises the modern carnivorous placentalmammals and their immediate ancestors.
An order that comprises the one extinct and two extant suborders of whales.
A cetacean: a whale, dolphin or porpoise
An order that comprises the only true flying mammals, possessing features parallel to those of birds.
flying lemurs
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Order in Mammalia: Part 2
Edentata (toothless mammals)
a former order comprising the anteaters, tree sloths, armadillos, pangolins, and aardvarks, all of which lack incisors and have molars that are poorly developed or absent, edentate means toothless.
Hyracoidea (hyrax)
an order that contains the single family Procaviidae (conies, dassies, hyraxes)
Insectivora (moles, shrew and hedgehogs)
An order, once recognised, that included the ancestors of all eutherian mammals, nowadays grouped into four orders: Proteutheria, Scandentia (tree shrews), Macroscelidae (elephant shrews), Lipotyphla (living hedgehogs, shrews and moles).
Lagomorpha (hares and rabbits)
an order that comprises the families Eurymylidae (extinct forms), Ochotonidae (pikas), and Leporidae (rabbits, cottontails and hares). Diverged from primitive eutherian stock.
Marsupialia (now the Infraclass Metatheria)
Includes all marsupials. There are about 250 species of living marsupials and many extinct forms.
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Orders in Mammalia: Part 3
Pinnipedia (seals and walrus)
the name was formerly given to a supposed suborder of Carnivora. It comprises the families Otarridae (sea lions), Odobenidae (walrus), and Phocidae (seals), together with their immediate ancestors.
Primates(monkeys, apes and lemurs)
an order of mammals that have adapted to arboreal life and in some forms secondarily to life on the ground.
Proboscidea (elephants)
An order that comprises elephants and their extinct relatives, and is divided into four suborders.
Rodentia (squirrels and chipmunks, hamsters and rats)
an order of herbivorous or scavenging mammals in which the incisors are reduced to one pair in each jaw. Their teeth grow continually.
Sirenia (manatees, dugongs)
An order of herbivorous ungulates that have adapted to a fully aquatic life.
Tubulidentata (aardvarks)
An order comprising the monospecific family Orycteropodidae. (Orycteropus afer, or the aardvark)
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Families in Primates
families in primates include:
Daubentoniidae (aye-aye)
Cheirogaleidae (dwarf lemurs)
Lemuridae (lemurs)
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Lowland Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)
Aardvark (Orycteropus afer)
Okapi (Okapia johnstoni)
Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni)
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