A Level PE - The Emergence of Modern Sport:
- Created by: hotzmc
- Created on: 21-12-17 00:15
A Level PE - The Emergence of Modern Sport:
Pre-Industrialisation (1700 - 1750):
- During this time life was very rural and sport was very basic
- ‘Mob Games’ were played on bank holidays and was the only form of sport people played
- E.g. Shrovetide Football
Post Industrialisation (1750 - 1900):
- This is when Britain experienced the industrial revolution
- Factories were built in large towns and cities
- Transport links were improved (e.g. railways, buses)
- People went from living rural lives to moving into towns and cities to work
The Influence of Public Schools in Post-Industrial Britain:
Early Public Schools (Pre-1940):
- Very unruly places
- The boys would fight, gamble, owned guns and showed no respect to authority
- Younger boys were treated as slaves by the older boys, high bullying culture
The Influence of Thomas Arnold:
- He was the headmaster of Rugby School (1828 - 1841)
- He didn’t like the unruly behaviour
- He wanted to bring about change, so came up with muscular christianity concept
- Along with the muscular christianity concept, Arnold also introduced a house system whereby inter house competition could take place
- This helped Arnold gain ‘social control’ of the previously unruly boys as teachers could threaten to ban them from sports
- Many public schools soon followed their own versions of sports (e.g. football)
Muscular Christianity: the combination of Christian Gentleman beliefs with patriotic duty, manliness, the moral and physical beauty of athleticism, teamwork, discipline and self sacrifice.
Codification and Rationalisation of Sport:
- Many public schools had their own versions of sports, which was an issue when boys left school for uni
- All of the boys thought their version of the sport was best so they needed to decide on a unified set of rules
- To solve the dispute, rules from each game were used in order to create 1 unified version of the rules
- This process was known as the melting point
The Codification of Football:
- Football was the 1st sport to be codified
- Public schools such as Eton, Rugby and Harrow all had their own versions of the game
- Leavers of these schools decided to make a unified set of rules so inter-school matches could be played between their old schools
- The Cambridge rules were created in 1848 at Cambridge University by the alumni of some public schools
- The Cambridge rules were adopted by most, but some schools continued to play their own versions
- On 26th Oct 1863 at Freemasons’ Tavern in London, The Football Association was formed and after more meeting between the The FA members, a comprehensive set of the rules were made
- These rules are the basis of football today
The Development of Football:
- During…
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