A Streetcar Named Desire - Revision Notes for OCR A Level English Literature
- Created by: anisa_xo
- Created on: 01-05-17 13:20
A Streetcar Named Desire
Scenes summary
Scene 1
· Stella goes to watch Stanley and Mitch bowling
· Blanche arrives at Elysian Fields and waits inside for her sister
· Stella returns and they greet each other
· Blanche talks about losing Belle Reve and the deaths of her family members
· Stanley meets Blanche; there is an awkward tension as it’s clear that they’re very different types of people
· Blanche reveals her husband died when they were young
Scene 2
· Blanche is bathing
· Stanley demands to know what happened to Belle Reve
· Stella attempts to defend Blanche
· Stella leaves and Blanche finishes bathing
· Stanley confronts Blanche, and Blanche attempts to flirt with Stanley
· Stella’s pregnancy is revealed
Scene 3
· The poker night: Stanley and his friends play poker, and are drinking
· Stella and Blanche returns from an evening out
· Blanche meets Mitch
· Stanley becomes violent with Stella
· Stella and Blanche retreat to the apartment upstairs
· Stella returns to Stanley and they make love
Scene 4
· Blanche and Stella discuss the previous night; Blanche is shocked at Stella’s acceptance of Stanley’s behaviour
· Blanche criticises Stanley
· Stanley is secretly listening to Blanche’s criticism
Scene 5
· Upstairs, Eunice and Steve fight
· Stanley hints at the knowledge of Blanche’s promiscuous past
· Blanche flirts with a young man who collects newspaper subscriptions
· Mitch arrives and they go on their date
Scene 6
· Blanche and Mitch come back from their date
· They have a conversation that highlights their differences
· Blanche tells the story of how her husband committed suicide after she discovered him in bed with a man
· Mitch comforts her and they discuss marriage
Scene 7
· Months later; it is mid-September and Blanche’s birthday
· Stanley reveals Blanche’s past to Stella
· Blanche realises that there is a change in atmosphere
Scene 8
· Stanley, Stella and Blanche celebrate the latter’s birthday with a meal; Mitch hadn’t arrived
· Stanley becomes violent again, before presenting Blanche with a bus ticket back home as a supposed birthday gift
· Stella complains at his cruelty, but then goes into labour
· Stanley takes her to the hospital
Scene 9
· Both Blanche and Mitch have been drinking
· Mitch visits Blanche and tells her he knows about her past
· Blanche tried to explain but he dismisses her and attempts to **** her
· She shouts “Fire!” and he leaves
Scene 10
· Blanche is in a drunken state; her mental instability is shown through her actions
· Stanley returns home from the hospital and celebrates the birth of his child
· Stanley uncovers Blanche’s true nature and…
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