Aetiologies of Depression PLAN
- Created by: Elliiphant
- Created on: 15-06-15 18:52
- Introduction
-low emotional state
-sadness, lack of energy/ self worth, guilt
- Genetics
-5% have depression
-Mcguffin et al; 177 twins (46% identical, 20% faternal)
-Gershon; 1st degree relative 2-3 times higher than population
- Issues with twins and family
-seperate nature v nurture
-sharing environment
- Adoption studies
-Wender; biological relatives 7 times more likely
-cannot generalise
-adopted very motivated
- Wihelm et al
-150 autralian's
-negative life events linked to depression
-short short form of serotonin transporter gene more vulnerable
- Egeland et al
-studies Amish
-high level of bipolar
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