Ages 0-3 years
- Created by: hanna
- Created on: 04-02-14 13:53
Development – Ages 0-3 years
Physical development
By 6 months a child will:
Turn their head toward sounds and movement
Watch an adult's face when feeding
Smile at familiar faces and voices
Reach up to hold feet when lying on their backs
Look and reach for objects
Hold and shake a rattle
Put everything in their mouths
Between 6 months and 1 year:
Move from sitting with support to sitting alone
Roll over from their tummy to their back
Begin to creep, crawl or shuffle on their bottom
Pull on or push against adult hands or furniture to reach a standing
Raises arms to be lifted
Turn and look up when they hear their name
Pat and poke objects when playing
Pass objects from hand to hand
Look for things that have been hidden or dropped
Reaches hand towards source of food
Between one and two years:
Begin to walk
Sits alone indefinitely
Feed themselves
Push and pull toys while walking
Wave goodbye
Point or make noises to indicate wants
Enjoy a picture book
Shake head for 'No'
Uses thumb and first two fingers to grip
Bangs objects together
Crawl upstairs
Stoops to pick things up from the floor
Begins to show preference for one hand
Builds tower of few bricks
Holds crayon in palm and makes marks on paper
Between two and three years:
Kneels to play
Kicks ball
Builds larger brick tower
Pour liquids
Uses pencil to make marks and circular scribbles
Social and emotional development Newborn to 3 months: Responds to adults especially mothers face and voice Smiles, concentrates on adults face during feeding Very dependant on adults for reassurance and comfort, quietens when held and cuddled Between 6 and 9 months: Enjoys company of others and games like peek-a-boo Shows affection to known carer, but shy with strangers Between one year and two years: Likes to please adults and to perform for an audience May become anxious or distressed if separated from known adults May use comfort object Mostly cooperative and can be distracted from unwanted behaviour Plays alongside other children Between two and three years: Developing sense of own identity, wanting to do things for self Demanding of adult attention, jealous of attention given to others, reluctant to share playthings or adults attention Acts impulsively, requiring needs to be met instantly, prone to bursts of emotion tantrums Enjoys playing with adult or older child who will give attention, beginning to play with others of own age for short periods Intellectual development Between 0 and 3 years: Beginning to realise others are separate beings from themselves Imitates others and tries out ways of behaving in play Becoming more confident…
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