Alexander II, Alexander III and Key Developments
- Created by: Bethcody16
- Created on: 11-09-18 15:38
●1.3 - Alex II & Alex III, attitudes & imposition of autocracy, key developments
Alexander II As A Reactionary
Reasons - assassination attempts
Reactionaries feared spread of Western ideas
National/ethnic minorities ruin Russian strength
Dmitry Tolstoy - Minister of Education
Tight control on education - eradicate growth of liberal ideas
Orthodox Church regained control over education
Literature, Science, Modern Language and History - out
Maths, Latin, Greek and Divinity encouraged
Censorship tightened.
Teacher-training colleges set up - increase tsarist control
Reluctantly accepted lectures to women at Moscow Uni
Police, law and control
Pyotr Shuvalov - head of the Third Section
Strengthened the Police
Stepped up persecution of national/ethnic minorities
Searches and arrests increased
1879 - governor-generals established; could prosecute in military court and exile political offenders
Open ‘show trials’ - deter people from revolutionary activity
The Loris-Melikov Constitution
1870s - Russo-Turk war, famine, industrial recession
Further attempts on Tsar’s life
Accepted that widening democratic consultation would stop the unrest
Mikhail Loris-Melikov - Minister for Internal Affairs; released political prisoners, relaxed censorship, removed salt-tax and lifted restrictions on the Zemstva.
Third section abolished…
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