Alexander 3rd and Economy
- Created by: Bethany Ball
- Created on: 02-06-14 17:52
How far did Alexander III reform Russian between 1881 – 94?
Alexander II emancipated the serfs in 1861. Alex III halted many reforms.
He was taught be the conservative Pobedonostev.
Followed the slogan of Autocracy, Orthodoxy and Nationality.
Argued reform encouraged radicalism.
Reforming ministers were forced to resign.
A manifesto was introduced to keep absolute power to the Tsar.
Government controlled courts.
Press freedom restricted.
Foreign books and newspapers censored.
Okhrana powerful and feard.
Uni fees increased so only wealthy could attend.
Land Captains introduced to help rule Russia.
More government control over education
Governments chose who were in juries.
Russian became the offical language, all others were banned.
Jews experience Pogroms.
Alex III knew Russia needed to modernise.
Bunge reduced amount of tax paid by peasants and established a Peasants Land Bank to provide financial support for agriculture and to increase harvests.
Vsynegradsky introduced incentives for peasants to move to siberia where there was more land.
He also encouraged loans to modernise.
Severe famine – 2 million died.
Introduction of tariffs to encourage domestic buying of Russian goods.
Impact of Sergi Witte
Witte knew that: More foreign investment was needed, Russsia needed a larger business class, Russia need more peasants to work in factories.
He implemented: Government became more active in developing the economy, greater emphasis on coal, iron and…
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