Alkenes and Alcohols (1st page) AQA CHEM2
- Created by: melissa
- Created on: 13-04-12 10:00
- homologous series... same functional group, differ by CH2
- CnH2n
- Unsaturated
- Obtained in the petrolleum industry
Long chain hydrocarbon = short chain hydrocarbon + alkene
- Bromine goes colourless if an alkene is present
- C=C is a region of high electron density
- Ethene is a planar molecule as C=C restricts shape
Addition reactions
...small molecule joins onto an unsaturated molecule so together they form a saturated molecule
with Bromine
- test for unsaturation
- will go colourless
with HBr
Rule for where Br goes
secondary carbocation more stable than primary because
the methyl group donates electons as it is an electron donating group.
More stable one is the one with the most methyl groups atttached to the +
Mortovintor (not explanation)
one with most H atoms gets the Hydrogen
with Cold concentrated sulphuric acid
- Step one is done with cold sulfuric acid
- step 2 is when the carbocation is warmed and hydrolysed
Polymer... a long chain of hydrocarbons (large molecule)
Monomer... small molecule. Join together in polymerisation. Repeating unit
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