Amateurism an Professionalism
- Created by: KayshaN
- Created on: 23-02-17 12:53
In the time period 1850-1900 the concept of amaturs and professionals was adopted. Amateurs were defined as the inividuals who did not need to be paid and this suite the upper and middle class individuals who wante to partcipate in sport. Professionals were using lower class iniviuals that required a finacial income from the sport psrticipation.
Most sports still stoped different classes from competing with or against one anouther due to the class divisions. Even the sports in which differnet classes play together, like cricket, class divisions always had to be recognised, for example the classes had different changing rooms and different roles like the lower classes would field out at the boundaries.
These class distinctions sometimes cause problems within sports, for example professionalism in football and rugby was expessially contriversial and leading to rugby spliting into two codes known as rugby league and…
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