American West ESQs


Explain the consequences of the end of the open range. (8 marks)

-1870s, so much money went into the cattle industry and it became overstocked, having serious consequences in the 1880s

-too many cattle -> overgrazing and prices dropped -> less profit 

-winter of 1886-87 meant that 15% of cattle died

-homesteaders moved in to farm areas so cattle ranches had to be fenced off

End of the open range:

-cattle ranchers who were still in business moved to smaller ranches with fenced in pastures

-smaller herds easier to manage and could be brought under shelter 

-easier to guard against castle rustlers

-brought in high quality breeds that produced better meat

-reduced supply of beef which helped raise prices 


-many cowboys lost their lives trying to find cattle 

-cowboys had less adventurous lives (branding, de horning and dipping cattle, looking after horses and calves, mending barbed wire, inspecting grass and harvesting hay)

-cowboys lived in bunkhouses which were not comfortable, had leaking roofs, thin walls and beds full of lice

-cowboy numbers dropped as small ranches only employed a few cowboys

-barbed wire introduced in 1874; a replacement for no wood (was very expensive and sometimes broke or wounded cattle. by 1880s, became stronger due to a coating and cheaper)

-caused conflict between homesteaders and ranches as they would get their cattle mixed up

-ranchers: took homesteaders to court, filed claims for land and blocked off other plots


Explain the importance of the Homestead act on the development of the plains, and Abilene as the first cow town. (16 marks)


-Civil war led to a new wave of settlement in the west, and post war rescontrusction was important

-Homestead Act 1862 provided inecntive for people to take up unclaimed land in the West and build a new life there

-used to be small family farms in the north and no slavery, in the south there was slavery and large plantations. In the civil war, southern states left the USA and slavery was abolished in 1863, so the homestead act meant 160 acre family farms

-provided virtually free land for people to settle on (plots were now 160 acres instead of 640 and the cost came to $40 instead of $640, which was too much for ordinary people to afford)

-it was open to almost everyone (eg former slaves, female heads of households etc), which was important because the civil war had created many new potential migrants to the West

-encouraged settlement by homesteaders (one claim per individual, had to build a


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