An Inspector Calls


J B Priestly wrote An Inspector Calls after WWI and like much of his work contains controversial, politically charged messages.Priestley was born in Yorkshire in 1894. He knew early on that he wanted to become a writer. He however decided against going to university as he though he would get a better feel for the world around him away from academia. Instead he became a junior clerk with a local wool firm at the age of 16.

When WWI broke out, Priestley joined the infantry and only just escaped death on a number of occasions. After the war, he gained a degree from Cambride Univeristy and then moved to London to work as a freelance writer. He wrote successful articles and essays, then published the first of many novels in 1929. He wrote his first play in 1932 and went on to write 50 more. Much of his writing was ground-breaking and controversial. He included new ideas about possible parallel universes and strong political messages.

During WW2 he broadcast a massively popular…


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