Anatomy and Physiology


Bones and Muscles

Muscles are split into two groups. Anterior and Posterior muscles.

The system is composed of muscle bones cartilages ligaments and tendons.
Muscle - Elastic tissue that comprises of small fibours
Bones - Hard rock like shape which is used for movement
Cartilages - A particular tissue found at the surface of joints
Ligaments - Elastic band which holds bones to bones
Tendons - Elastic band which holds muscles to bones

Functions of the skeletal system:
Maintance of posture
Support and shape
Protection of organs
Heat production
Production of red blood cells

Structure of the muscle is split into 3 tyoes:
Cardiac muslce - Heart muscle
Smooth Muscles - Muscles found in internal organs which are involuntary
Skeletal Muscles -


Sam Morran


A nice resource with good terminology and a bit of colour to brighten it up.

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