Anthropology unit 1
- Created by: JessRigby
- Created on: 16-05-16 19:58
Natural selection means where individuals are well-adapted to their environment, So they are least likely to die. So they have a greater chance of reproducing and passing on their genes to the next generation.
OVER TIME the population start to look more like that individual. Variation: All animals vary genetically within a population. Inheritance: Genetic traits are inherited from parents and are passed on to offspring. Selection: Organisms with traits that are favourable to their survival and reproduction are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation. Individuals that are poorly adapted to their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce. This means that their genes are less likely to be passed to the next generation. Given enough time, a species will gradually evolve.Time: Evolutionary change can happen in a few generations, but major change, often takes many thousands of generations. Darwin observed finch species on separate islands in the Galapagos in the Pacific. He noted how their beaks were adapted for different available foods on different islands.
Humans evolved over 3.5 million years ago. As African landscape shifted from forests toward large patches of open woodlands & savannahs, food supplies waned. Our ancestors came down from trees, became ground-dwellers.Because they could no longer feed where they lived, were forced to carry food over long distances back to home bases - tricky task on four legs. While some say early hominids gathered fruits and nuts, a few (such as Shipman) argue that they were scavengers:
Upright stance would…
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