- Created by: Kittykatty2000
- Created on: 18-04-17 12:44
- Proteins with specific binding sites synthesised by B cells
- A specific antibody reacts with an antigen on the surface of the non-self material by binding to them
- Each antibody has two identical binding sites
- The antibody binding sites are complementary to a specific antigen
How the antibody leads to the destruction of an antigen:
- Do not destroy directly but prepare the antigen for destruction
For example, when the antigen is a bacterial cell, antibodies assist its destruction in two ways -
- They cause agglutination of the bacterial cells - in this way clumps of bacterial cells are formed, making it easier for the phagocytes to locate them as they are less spread-out within the body
- They then serve as markers that stimulate phagocytes to engulf the bacterial cells to which they are attached
Monoclonal antibodies:
- Identical copies of antibodies
- Produce a single clone of cells
Targetting medication to specific cell types by attaching a therpeutic drug to an…
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