AQA Music GCSE- AoS2- Harmony and Tonality
- Created by: Rachel Arnold
- Created on: 10-05-11 19:42
Harmony and Tonality
Harmony- When two notes of different pitch are sounded together.
What we will need to recognise in the Exam:
- diatonic, chromatic
- consonant, dissonant
- pedal, drone
- cadence: perfect, plagal, imperfect, interrupted, tierce de Picardie
- Major, minor and dominant seventh chords using Roman numerals or chord symbols
Diatonic and Chromatic
- Diatonic harmony uses only notes in the scale or key that the music is written in
- They will only use notes from the same scale
- Chromatic harmony uses other notes as well like flats and sharps
- These notes don't belong in the scale but are usuallyused to add emotional effect to the music
Consonant and Dissonant
- Consonant is nice and pleasant sounding
- The harmony is agreeable
- Dissonant is uncomfortable, even painful to listen to, it clashes.
- Often used to create suspence or tension
Pedal and Drone
- A pedal note is sustained or repeated whilst the harmonies change
- It can be doubled, adding the same note an octive higher or lower
- If the harmony doesn't change it is not a pedal note
- Pedal notes are normally in the bass
- If they are higher than the meoldy it is known as Inverted pedal
- A drone is played in the bass
- It can be one note, but is normally two- a fifth apart
- They may be sustained or repeated
- Usually ued to accompany melodies in folk or medieval music, or Indian.
Cadences- formed by two chords at the end of a musical phrase, like a full stop, or comma
- Perfect: Gives the music a sense of completion. Chord V to Chord I, Dominant to Tonic
- Plagal: 'Amen' cadence. Chord IV to Chord I, Subdominant to Tonic. Also gives sense of completion, but less strongly.
- Imperfect: Feels incomplete, like music should go on, like a comma. Made up of any chord though usually I, to Chord V (dominant)
- Interrupted: A 'surprise' cadence. Goes from Chord…