AQA textiles computers in industry
- Created by: Amber
- Created on: 20-05-12 20:02
Computer Aided design (CAD)
the ways that computers can help in the design process are as follows:
can experiment with colour and texture,
designing repeat patterns for fabric prints, embroidery designs, knitted or woven patterns
making a virtual prototype
developing pattern templates
providing a database of images which can be adapted and changed when needed
communicating ideas
shows likely costs of manufacture using spreadsheets
Design development
the client will need to be presented with the designs so they can choose some to develop, designers are most likely to use a presentation board to do so, a presentation board will consist of sketches, some fabric swatches and components. When some designs have been chosen these will be developed computers can be used here to experiment with colour and pattern- fabric patterns can be stored on a computer and overlayed onto the design to see what the final design would look like. Computers can show a 3-D model of a garment as well as the pattern peices needed to make it. Virtual garments can be made up on a computer to see how the garment would look on a body.
Virtual prototypes
much quicker to develop and change
more environmentally friendly
can see how the product will move on a body
Software can be very expensive
cannot test out manufacturing processes
cannot provide sealed sample which sets the standards for manufacture
Bulk manufacture
when design is chosen, a pattern or template is made usually done using a computer. The computer systems will have basic block patterns on them that will be developed and adapted to make the new template. The computer makes the patterns quickly and accurately. It…
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