AS English Language Glossary
- Created by: Rebecca Holland
- Created on: 19-11-13 19:10
· Abstract Noun - A noun that refers to a concept, state, quality or emotion
· Accent - The distinctive way a speaker from a particular region pronounces words
· Acronym - A new word made from the initial letters of all the words in a name or phrase, e.g. NASA
· Active Voice - When the subject of the sentence is directly performing the verb e.g. Steve burst the bubble
· Adjective - A class of words that can appear before (attributive) or after (predicative)
· Adverb - A class of words that modify verbs according to time, place, manner, frequency, duration or degree. They can sometimes modify nouns and adjectives too
· Affixation - The process of adding an affix before (prefix) or after (suffix) an existing word to change either its meaning or grammatical function
· Alliteration - When two or more words close to each other in a phrase begin with the same sound, e.g. down in the dumps
· Anaphoric Reference - When a word, usually a pronoun, refers back to something or someone that has already been mentioned, e.g. Barry can't come because he's ill
· Antithesis - Type of rhetorical language where contrasting ideas or words are balanced against each other, e.g. it's just too good from Green, and just too bad for the goalkeeper
· Antonyms - Words with opposite meanings
· Article - A kind of determiner that shows if the reference to a noun is general (a / an) or specific (the)
· Aspect - A verb's aspect shows whether the action it refers to is already completed, or if it is still taking place
· Assimilation - When sounds next to each other in a spoken word or sentence are pronounced in a different way to normal to make them easier to say
· Assonance - When the main vowel sounds of two or more words that are close together in a text are similar or the same, e.g. low smoky holes
· Audience - A person or group of people that read, view or listen to a text. A writer or speaker can aim to reach a certain type of audience by using specific literary techniques and language choices
· Auxiliary Verb - Verbs used before the main verb in a sentence to give extra information about it, e.g. I have seen him
· Babbling - The production of short vowel / consonant combinations by a baby acquiring language
· Back Channeling - A kind of feedback in spoken language that supports the person speaking and shows that what is being said is understood
· Behaviorism - A theory of language acquisition that suggests children learn language through a process of imitation and reinforcement
· Blending - When parts of two words are combined to make a new one, e.g. netizen
· Buzz Words - Words…
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