AS Psychology - Bowlby's Theory of Attachment
- Created by: Pennaling
- Created on: 26-11-14 14:47
Bowlby's Theory of Attachment
1) Innate + Adaptive
- Attachment is a biological process.
- It is adaptive + useful for our survival.
- Infants have an innate drive to become attached to a care giver.
2) Social Releasers
- Infants are born with a set of behaviours/characteristics that provoke a response from others known as social releasers.
- These behaviours are designed to elicit caregiving in others to promote the infants survival.
3) Critical Period
- Attachment must occur within a specific period of time (0-3 yrs), known as the 'critical period'.
- Attachment will not occur after this time + the child's emotional + cognitive development will be affected.
4) Monotropy
- Infants have an innate tendency to attach to one person, their primary caregiver (generally the mother).
5) Internal Working Memory/Continuity Hypothesis
- Early life experiences will influence later experiences (the continuity hypothesis).
- Infants have a mental model of their relationship with their primary caregiver…
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