Augustine’s Theodicy


Augustines Theodicy

Theos= God

Dikaios= justification

Theodicy= justification of God even with evil in the world

Interprets the genesis story literally

  • Traditional view of God

  • God of classical theism

Hierarchy of Being

  • God is being itself (supreme being). All created things reflect greater or lesser being

  • since god is supreme beingit follows that he gave being to all that he created out of nothing. To some things he gave more of being and to others less. This created a hierarchy

  1. origins of evil/role of freewill

  • original rejection of god by rebellious angels who fell' (moral evil) or turned away from god (natural evil)

  • humans created in Gods image (Gen 1:27) but given freewill

  • evil was let into the world through the misuse of free choice of Adam and Eve who ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil.

  • Adam and Eve corrupted and destroyed Gods natural perfect order creating disharmony and resulting in natural evil

  • God didn’t created evil so it is not his fault- it was simply humans exercising their freewill

  1. Our punishment today

  • Seminally present in Adam and Eve= all guilty for the fall

  • We deserve punishment= natural evil is the punishment

All evil is either sin or punishment for sin

Therefore, god is not responsible for moral evil as it through free choice of humans/angels.

God is also not responsible for natural evil as this is a result of the corruption of his perfect created world.

Thus, God is not responsible for intervening and correcting is.

  1. Responsibility of God

  • God created everything in creation perfect

  • Did not create evil

  • Evil comes from the absence of good

  • Evil is a privation

  • This means that god cannot be blamed for evil as evil is not a substance, it is an absence of good

    • Just as darkness id an absence of light. Darkness isn’t a thing but is just where there is no light, you cannot point to the source of darkness.

  1. Why give us freewill

  • it is more valuable having humans with the gift of freewill rather than just being obedient followers

- this world is soul deciding.

Evidential evil in the world  

Moral evil = Florida mass shooting 2018

  • source = BBC News

  • date = 14th February 2018

  • statistics = 17 dead over 20 injured

  • run down= 19-year-old terrorist and student Nikolas Cruz arrived at the school


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