B) Bernard Hoose's Proportionalism

  • Hoose's book: 'Proportionalism: The American Debate and its European Roots'
  • Proportionalist approach is visible in Aquinas's just war theory
  • Proportionalism holds that there are certain moral rules that it can never be right to go against, unless there is a proportionate reason which would justify it
  • E.g. secondary precept 'abortion is wrong' should always be followed because it breaks the primary precept of reproduction, unless there is a proportionate reason to abort (e.g the pregnancy harms the mothers life)
  • This is similar to the doctrine of double effect
  • Hoose's proportionalist maxim: 'It is never right to go against a principle unless there is a proportionate reason which would justify it'
  • The proportionate reason should be based on the unique inidividual situation of the moral agent (like situation ethics)
  • However, this situation/ intention must be sufficiently unusual to provide a reason which would overturn otherwise firm rules based on the precepts of natural law
  • To decide whether an act is moral/ immoral, the intention of…


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