B4 Homeostasis Notes

  • Created by: DS
  • Created on: 10-01-11 23:28

Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment. Factors which effect homeostasis are:

  • body temperature 
  • hydration levels
  • salt levels
  • blood oxygen levels

Our body maintains a constant body temperature by balancing heat lost and heat gained to keep out bodies at the optimum temperature which is 37 degrees Celcius.

When we go to places with high climates, our body temperature will increase, but receptors in our skin will detect the change in temperature sending a message to our brain (the processing centre), which will receive the information and co-ordinate a response, sending a message to the effector which in this case would be our sweat glands. We then release sweat which evaporates on the skin to cool us down and reduce our body temperature.

Similarly when we visit cold climates, receptors in the skin will detect the change in environment, but this time the effector would be our muscles. When we are cold, we shiver - this is basically our muscles rapidly contracting and releasing, which warms them up. These responses happen automatically…


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