Biol 217-Lecture 2- Lipids 1: Lipids and Membranes
- Created by: hope ball
- Created on: 14-12-12 09:42
Lipids 1: Lipids and membranes
What are lipids?
- Diverse class of molecules
- Rich in Carbon and Hydrogen, but few Oxygen molecules
- Most are not soluble in water
- Many are amphiphathic
- They have a Polar, hydrophillic head and a Non polar hydrophobic tail
Lipids are split into Fatty acids (Eicosanoids, Triacylglycerols, Waxes, Sphingolipids), Phospholipids (Phosphatidates), Glycolipids and Polyprenyl compounds (Steroids).
Fatty Acids
- There are over 100 different fatty acids
- R-COOH structure
- They differ in level of unsaturation and the length of their hydrocarbon tail
- Their melting point depends on their degreee of unsaturation and position of the double bonds
- Saturated= no C=C e.g. Stearate (C18)
- Monounsaturated= 1 C=C e.g. Oleate (C18)
- Polyunsaturated= more than one C=C e.g. Linolenate (C18)
- Omega fatty acids (w) e.g. "w-3 fatty acid"- 20C,double bond every 3 Carbons, w on 1
- "Cis and trans" fatty acids- e.g. Oleic aid (Cis) and Elaidic acid (Trans)
Fatty acid in the living cell
- C12-C20, even number
- Free fatty acids only in traces
- Essential fatty acids
Triacylglycerols (Triglycerides)
- A triacylglycerol molecule is a Glycerol compound with 3 fatty acids attached via an Ester bond. O=C-O
- Triacylglycerols are the most abundant lipids in human food
- Fats: Solid at room temperature, Long-chained, saturated fatty acids
- Oils: Liquid at room temperature, Shorter-chained, more unsaturated fatty acids
- Triacylglycerols storage- They have a high energy content and hydrophobic. Anhydrous storage and form adipocytes.
- They are the most abundant lipids in mammals
- They are NOT found in membranes
- They are NOT amphipathic
- Most abundant lipids in biological membranes
- Amphipathic
- Glycerol…
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