Body Cavities and Organ Systems
- Created by: Saoirse
- Created on: 22-10-14 13:26
Body Cavities
- Divided into dorsal and ventral cavities
- Dorsal: cranial and spinal cavities (vertebral canal)
- Ventral: thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities (abdominopelvic cavity)
- Throacic cavity subdivided into 3:
- Pericardial cavity (around the heart)
- Pleural cavity (around the lungs)
- Mediastinum cavity (between lungs and backbone)
Organ Systems
- Integrement system: skin and structures derived from skin
- hair, nails, sweat glands and oil glands
- Skeletal system: bones and joints of the body and their associated cartilages
- Muscular system…
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