Business Studies
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- Created on: 03-10-21 19:12
Wants and needs
Needs and survival
Wants - Luxury items
Goods and services
Provided by businesses
Goods - Tangible products
Services - Intangible products we experience
Consumer goods or personal goods
Businesses to consumers
Producer goods
Businesses to businesses
Producer goods - Produced by one business and sold to and used by another
Personal services - Services that businesses sell to consumers
Commercial services - Produced by one business, used by another
Durable and non-durable
Non-durable - Consume immediately
Lasts a matter of weeks or months
Durable goods - Last for years or even decades
Businesses - Organisations started by entrepreneurs to provide goods and services
Best businesses - Satisfy wants and needs the best
Risk of starting a business
Business opportunity
Recognised the demand for a product or service
Not just concern for providing for the needs and wants
Earn more from selling it than is spent producing it
Business - An organisation that aims to meet our needs and wants
Goods - Tangible products we can touch
Services - Things we buy to experience
Competitive environment - External environment in which a business operates and competes
Direct competitor - Another business that provides a similar product
Indirect competitor - Provides a different product that customers might choose
Needs and wants of customers
Change over time
Dynamic environment - Must be able to adapt to it to survive
Internet - Changed the way companies operate
Made some goods and services obsolete
Adapt - Artifical intelligence and virtual reality
Satisfy wants and needs
Predict how they'll change
Chose to concentrate on traditional film processes
Still trading today
Bankrupt - Failed to adapt to the dynamic marketplace as well as competitiors
Finite resources
Only so much to excavate
Economic problem
Unlimited want
Limited resources
Impossible for everyone to have everything
More funding from hospitals
Hiring teachers
Opportunity cost - Loss of alternatives when one option is chosen
New hospitals
Not having new teachers
Limited resources
Opportunity cost
Operate efficiently
Entrepreneur - Risk of starting a new business
Business opportunity
Recognised the demand for a product or service
New ideas
Changes in technology
Changes in consumers' desires and habits
Business idea
Superior customer service
Respected brand name
Specialising - Focus on a particular activity
Competitive advantage
Associate brands with products
Increases production
More efficient and effective
No skills or experience
Local business - Selling a small area or community
National level - Several locations within the same country
Multinational - Multiple countries
Larger business - Economies of scale
Lower prices
Local businesses
More aware of customers' needs
Respond more quickly
Interdependent nature of business
Communicate and work together
Primary sector
Secondary sector
Tertiary sector
Business activity
Private sector
Public sector
Most common type of industry in a country
Country's level of economic development
Extracting raw materials from the earth
Developing countries
More people
Countries become more developed
Benefits of greater investment
Human and capital infrastructure
More employed in…
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