

Mumbai is India's financial captial. Until 1980's, Mumbai's economy was based upon textile production. Bollywood capital. There has been an increase in IT and financial services. 

It is a megacity, with a current population of over 12 million. In 1947, population was only 4 million. The population density is said to be about 22,000 people per km2. 

Causes of urban growth:

  • People are drawn by the prospect of employment of various skills.
  • The port known as "gateway to India" by the Europeans leading to industrilisation.
  • Banking and finance established during British rule brought wealth and development.

Problems with urban growth:

  • Respiratory health problems due to pollution.
  • Widespread poverty and unemployment.
  • Due to lack of education, many still have as many children as they would in the rural areas.
  • Lack…


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