CASE STUDY- Brighton

  • Created by: 8cburton
  • Created on: 29-05-15 13:02


  • 1080 sax fishing village called Brighthelmstone
  • Slow growth during medival time due to sussex agriculture
  • Price regent + rail brought mass tourism (1st of its kind) and rapid growth occured (41%- highest in Europe)
  • After wars the suburbs were made
  • Green belt made to stop urband sprawl
  • A27 by-pass marks end of development
  • Creation of new national park emphasis stop of growth


  • Became fashionable to rent/ buy a house in Brighton for the summer
  • New industries developed between the old stein + railway
  • Terraces of workmen houses built forming the inner city zone around the CBD
  • Land E and W of the old stein sold to middle class
  • Movement of people  further out as transport improved 
  • After WW1 motoried transport expanded the outer suburbs (Hangleton, rottindean and portslade)
  • This is the time of classic suburban estate of semi- detached houses
  • Post WW2 population grew and council built large housing estates on edge of town to rehome the displaced people from redevelopment of slum housing in town centre
  • Tower blocks of…


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