Catholic threats to Elizabeth's settlement
- Created by: Mubanga Kauseni
- Created on: 21-05-19 10:34
Catholic threats
- 1568 Mary arries in England - This is a personal and political threat to Elizabeth as Mary and other English men do not see Elizabeth as legitamate and that her father's marriage to her mother Anne olyn was not valid therefore Mary QofS was thr rightful heir. Her presence formed the centre of catholic plots against her.
1569- Northern rebellion. The north was predominately catholic. Their greivances circulated around the idea that their power had been supressed and the traditional way of the monarch having noble advisors was undermined by the emergances of individuals from humble background, Cecil. They aimed to Marry Mary to the Duke of Norfolk in hopes of forcing Elizabeth to name Mary as her heir. It failed.
1570- Papal Bull of excommunication. Pope excommunicated Elizabeth and justified her English subjects as well as catholic powers to rid of her. This justified invasions and the plot against her. This inevitibly led to the 1571 legislation which claimed that announcing elizabeth as illegitamate was treason and publishing any…
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