Child Psychology Key Issue and EOP
- Created by: Sarah Smith
- Created on: 04-06-14 05:04
EOP and Key Issue
Daycare and its effects on Children
· Involves some separation from the mother or main caregiver, so findings about daycare can be used to discuss short-term separation from the mother or main caregiver so findings about daycare can be used to discuss short-term separation
· There are studies that show that daycare is beneficial for a child and studies that suggest that it is not
Defining Daycare
· Refers to any situation where a child is cared for by someone other than parents for some or all of the day
· Types include crèche, which is very short-term separation, or full-time daycare, which is longer separation.
· Daycare includes care at day nurseries, by child minders or by relatives, and there are other forms such as playgrounds
Rules for Daycare
· There are rules regarding daycare and government officials who inspect daycare facilities.
· Daycare providers have to have plans for each child to ensure that they receive certain types of care, such as going outside regularly and being stimulated.
· There have to be sufficient staff for the number of children, and toilet and washing facilities have to be suitable.
· These rules are in place now and it can be claimed that they came from psychological studies into daycare that show what provision is suitable
Research into Daycare
· There is a general finding that children under the age of 1 year, if in daycare for more than 20 hours a week, do not benefit.
Belsky’s Findings
· Considered the findings of both the NICHD and the EPPE projects and suggested that children should not spend too long in daycare
· Concluded in 2006 that good-quality childcare, including that in daycare centres, can lead to better cognitive and language development.
· However, more time spent in daycare, especially more time in centre-based care, tended to lead to more problem behaviour.
· The important issues are quality, quantity, and type of daycare.
Defining Autism
· Autism is part of the autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), which also covers the more common Asperger’s Syndrome. Asperger’s Syndrome is mild autism and usually discussions of autism focus on more severely autistic people.
· Autism affects more boys than girls and the ratio for more severe autism is four boys to ever one girl.
· It is thought that about two people in every thousand (0.2%) have autism in this country.
· Groups of characteristics are used to diagnose autism rather than a specific set of characteristics, but in general people suffering from autism find it hard to read someone’s emotions and tend to have communication problems. One main characteristic is that they have trouble forming relationships.
· Those with autism tend to be good at systems. About 10% of them have a special ability, often to do with systems such as maths, art or piano playing, and are…
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