Church Relations 1066-1095 in England (William I & II)

  • Created by: ava.scott
  • Created on: 08-04-14 16:00


Despite being very pious, and using the papal banner to support his cause in the Battle of Hastings, William actually wanted to remain more independent from the Pope. This is shown in his abstinenec from removing the corrupt Stigand from Canterbury until 1070- 4 years after his coronation. The removal of Stigand had been a 'primary concern' for the conquest.

The Conquerer was very pious man, and bothe Popes Alexander II and Gregroy VII recognised him as righteous king. The realtionship was beneficial to all, as the Papacy wanted to expand its power and influence, and William needed its support when stabilising his new kingdom.

Gregory VII's had two main aims for England:

  • Enforce regular attanednace of English Bishops to Rome
  • Establish loyalty to the papacy from William.

There was conflict over these aims, as Lanfranc( Archbishop of Canterbury from 1070) never wanted to visit Rome, and William would not pay fealty to the Pope in return for his support in 1066- but William did pay Peters Pence, a tax for monarchs to Rome.

When the anti-pope was elected in 1080 by the Holy Roman Emperor, William played Greg and this anti-pope against eachother, never fully committed to either and avoiding any papal directives.


  • Primacy of Canterbury 1070 This established Caterbusry as prime ecclesiastical ofice in ENgland, over the other archbishopric York. However, Thomas of Bayeux, AB of York, wasn't happy. Lanfranc was established as primate of England with the supoort of monks and documents, Thomas submitted to him and ceased control over dioceses Lincoln, Lichfield and Worcester.
  • Councils- Lanfranc used great clerical councils to establish changes in the church. Stigand was deposed at council of Winchester 1070. The bannining of clergy marriages, and the legalising of celibacy for priests and moving cathedrals to…


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