Civil Rights USA pre-1945
- Created by: madeleineross
- Created on: 10-04-19 19:06
Key Dates:
Pre 1600 - Northern America inhabited by Native Americans
1600s - white immigrants began to take land from Natives and import black slaves from Africa
1776 - Declaration of Independence
1787 - Constitution of the new United States of America
1800s - Whites moved westward, and took more Native American land
1861-5 - Civil War
1865 - 13th Amendment abolished slavery
1865-77 - reconstructions
1866 - Civil Rights Act & Establishment of KKK
1867 - Military Reconstruction Act
1868 - 14th Amendment made blacks citizens
1870 - 15th Amendment couldnt deny vote on account of race
1890s - Southern states disqualified black voters
1896 - Plessy v Ferguson (Jim Cow segregation)
1909 - NAACP established
1914-8 - WWI
1915 - NAACP's first successful litigation - Supreme Court outlawed Grandfather clause
1919 - Race riots in 25 cities
1920s - Harlem Renaissance
1925 - Establishment of A Philip Randolph's trade union for railroad porters, Garvey's UNIA at peak
1933 - Start of FDR's New Deal
America's Racial Groups:
- White Americans (European/Mediterranean ancestry)
- African Americans
- Native Americans
- Hispanic Americans
- Asian Americans
How these groups became Americans:
from 15th century, white Europeans extended influence over other countries - e.g North Africa (had a dramatic impact upon native inhabitants & Africans, who were made slaves)
Whites of British ancestry dominated US in 1783
During 19th century, other Europeans slowly accepted as part of dominant white group & the whites controlled the legal, social and economic status of blacks and Native Americans
Wary of allowing non-whites into America
20th century - absorbed immigrants from Asia and nearby Spanish-speaking countries
Underlying reasons for racial tension:
- 'melting pot'
- human nature - Native tribes had always warred against each other, even before colonisation
- some ethnic groups believe that they are superior to others - European Christians
- When Europeans wanted to acquire Native land & slaves, their sense of superiority was a necessary part of the moral justification for conquest
- most people went to America to get rich, and would not tolerate interference/competition
- white Americans feel superior to, but threatened by, racial minorities
Escalating Tensions c1600 - c1800
Whites & Indians - several million people already inhabited North America - 'Red Indians' - Europeans considered Indians inferior, and felt entitled to take their land (some Indians were enslaved). Tensions based on culture and economy - led to clashes
The Introduction of Black people and slavery - colony of Virginia had too few workers - European merchants began to sell them slaves - justified by fact that the unprotected Western Africans were inferior and non-Christians - looked different to Europeans - cheap & plentiful labour - white supremicist beliefs & economic needs - racial antagonism - occasional unsuccessful revolts deomstrate black powerlessness
The Declaration of Independence 1776 (& equality) - did not apply to slaves or the 'merciless Indians'
The Constitution & Racial Equality - 1783 Britian recognised American independence - enshrined the inferiority of black slaves…
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