Conformity: Zimbardo's research - evaluation
- Created by: gemshort
- Created on: 09-01-18 13:34
Strength: high level of control over variables
Zimbardo had control over some variables, for example, the selection of participants. Emotionally stable individuals were chosen and randomly assigned to their roles; this helped to rule out individual personality differences as an explanation for the findings. Having high control is a strength because it increases the internal validity of the study, so we can be more confident when drawing conclusions about the influence of roles on behaviour
Weakness: participants conformed because of stereotypes, not the situation
Banuazizi and Movahedi (1975) argued that the participants were 'play acting' rather than geuinely conforming. Their performances were based on stereotypes, which would explain why the prisoners rioted - because they thought that was what real prisoners did. If participants only conformed to social roles due to stereotypes, then the findings are not valid in terms of drawing conclusions about the influence of roles on behaviour
Weakness: Zimbardo may have exaggerated the power of situation to influence behaviour
Fromm (1973) accused Zimbardo of exaggerating the power of…
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