Conscience Revision Notes
- Created by: DAFE16
- Created on: 02-03-17 19:59
Conscience Revision Notes
Religious Approaches to Conscience: Augustine
- Our conscience is the voice of God which speaks to us in solitary moments - they help us observe God's laws
- Augustine argues that the conscience is implanted by God into us, which helps us to distinguish right from wrong - nevertheless, it is not enough; we need the grace of God
- Our conscience is the most important element of decision making and must be turned away from evil towards good (our conscience is, to some extent, reliable)
- Additionally, our conscience is being refined by the Church and the teachings of the Church
Religious Approaches to Conscience: Aquinas
- Conscience is right reason (rectio ratio) with which one can understand/reason the differences between right and wrong to determine what God sees as good
- Conscience is not an inner voice telling us what is right and wrong - we must reason making right decisions - all peopel want to achieve this (=Synderesis rule)
- Our conscience/reasoning can be faulty at times due to comparing mistaken apparent good with real good and weakness of will - however it was unitentional (=Synderesis rule)
- One can have an erring conscience as a result derived from…
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