- Created by: carolinemather
- Created on: 17-05-17 14:08
Origins of conservatism
- Conservatism originally emerged as a reaction to the enlightenment era
- Edmund Burke was the father of modern conservatism
- Burke on the French Revolution - ' change in order to conserve'
- Conservatives favour traditional values, practices and institutions and say that they should be conserved because they have survived the test of time so far
- Tradition refers to conserving values for 'those who are living, those who are dead and those who are yet to be born'
- Tradition refers to security, belonging and a distinct, traditional way of life
Human nature
- Conservatives are pessimistic in general about human nature
- Belief in the ability of humans to be perfect is one of the sources of misery
- The government alone cant bring about change, there must be a change in moral attitudes
- Immoral behaviour is deeply rooted in the individual
- Humans are psychologically limited as we fear isolation and instability
Social Order
- Traditional conservatives believe that…
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