Criminology - Situational Crime Prevention
- Created by: Shelly23
- Created on: 10-01-17 18:25
The Tylenon Case Study
- In 1982 seven people dies in Chicagp as a reslt of taking Tylenon poisened with cyanide
- Mass murder? Terroism?
- Perpetrators never caught, motivation never discoved
- Widespread fear
- Significant losses for makers of Tylenol
- Some copycat offences
- Tamper proof packaging quickly introduced when relaunching the product
- US government introduced regulations for packaging of food, drugs and cosmetics
- Two guiding principles: (1) breaks in seal highly visable (2) conveinient for customer
Situational crime prevention
- The art and science of reducing opportunities for crime
- Based on new crime theories: rational choice, routine activity
What is the new focus of new crime theories:
- Crime, not criminality
- Events, not dispostions
- Near, not distant causes of crime
- How crime occurs, not why it happens
- Situational and opportunity factors
Routine Activity Theory
- Cohen and Felson 1979; Felson and Boba (2010)
- An overarching theory or 'metatheory'
- To explain trends in crime over time - steep rise in postwar crime and the steep fall in crime in the last 15 years?
- As a metatheory it provides and overaching framework into which other theories fit
Sampson, Eck and Dunham 2010
- Latest version of the crime triangle
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