Cultural deprivation


Define - Attitudes, values and respect that comes from school and parents 


Speech Codes:

Bernstein states ...

W/C have a restricted speech code (simplistic vocab and sentences)

M/C have an elaborated (complex vocab and sentences

BUT Troyna and Williams - childs language is not the problem its the schools attitude to it. Teachers have a speech hierarchy


Parents Education:

Douglas states ...

W/C parents placed less value on education (less ambitious, encouraging or active -not going to parents evening)

BUT Blackstone and Mortimore - W/C parents dont attend parents evening as they work longer than M/C, not because they are less interested


Parenting Style~

Educated parents were more likely to be M/C and have consistent discipline + higher expectations 

Less educated parents - More 'do as your told' attitude = less individual growth and self control + poor motivation + lack of teacher student communication 


Parents educational behaviours ~

Educated parents are more aware of the skills needed for educational success:

-Reading to kids, teaching them to write and talk, drawing and being actively involved in schooling

Educated parents are better at establishing good…


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