Describe the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and show how human activities have altered that cycle.
- Created by: Emmajayne798
- Created on: 07-05-16 19:43
Describe the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and show how human activities have altered that cycle.
Intro: define-A biogeochemiical cycle follows the movement of matter either a nutrient or molecule through both biotic and abiotic stores, in this case: Carbon. The largest stores of Carbon are long-term storage reservoirs in the sediment of the deep oceans and in deposits under the ground with 99% of Carbon found in the lithospheric crust overall. However, due to anthropogenic activities, carbon is being released from these stores far more rapidly with the atmospheric concentration increasing from 280ppm pre-1800's to over 400ppm in 2015.
P1- Natural processes adding Carbon to the atmosphere The carbon reservoir in the atmosphere is currently fairly small with Carbon found in gases such as Carbon dioxide and Methane. Processes that add to these concentrations includes the decomposition of biota as bacteria break down dead organic matter. When this process occurs in the presence of oxygen, C02 is released, and in anaerobic conditions e.g. wetland areas, CH4 is released. Other processes that add Carbon to the atmosphere include volcanic eruptions, the rapid oxidation of carbon in vegetation or peat during wildfires and when C02 is produced as a by-product in respiration by aerobe…
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