Determinism v's Free will PLAN
- Created by: Elliiphant
- Created on: 15-06-15 18:27
- Determinism
-behaviour shaped/ controlled by external forces
-pavlov (classical conditioning)
- The bahviourist approach
-all events caused
-people product of the environment
-enviromental determinism
-skinner; free will an illusion
-phobia conditioned
-tokens (forensic psychology)
-''perfect society''
- Evidence
-punishment and rewards
-bandura; surely behaviour would change all the time?
-humans determined by long term goals
- psychodynamic approach
-psychic determinsim; motivated by unconscious
-no behaviour just happens
mortley et al; freudian slips
-developed from people with mental disorder
- Biological approach
-under the control of biological factors
-role of genetics; genetic determinsm
-high concordance rate in genetically similar…
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