Diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia
- Created by: zoe_chetty
- Created on: 14-02-19 14:44
- Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder suffered by 1% of the population
- It is more commonly diagnosed in men than women
- More commonly diagnosed in cities than countryside
- More commonly diagnosed in working class than middle class people
- The two major systems for classifying the mental disorder are:
- The World Health organisation's international Classification of disease (ICD-10)
- The American psychiatric association's diagnostic and statistical manuel (DSM-5)
- These differ slightly in their classification of schizophrenia
- DSM-5, one positive symptom must be present for diagnosis
- ICD-10, two negative symptoms must be present
- ICD-10 recognises a range of subtypes of schizophrenia:
- Paranoid schizophrenia is characterised by powerful delusions and hallucinations
- Hebephrenic schizophrenia involves primarily negative symptoms
Positive symptoms
- Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are additional experiences beyond those of ordinary existence
- Hallucinations:
- unusual sensory experiences
- some hallucinations are related to events in the environment, others bear no relationship to what thye senses are picking up from the environment
- hallucinations can be experienced in relation to any sense
- Delusions:
- delusions are irrational beliefs
- grandeur delusions
- persecutory delusions
- delusions involving believing that they are under external control
- delusions can make a sufferer behave in ways that make sense to them but seem bizarre to others
Negative symptoms
- Negative symptoms involve the loss of usual abilities and experiences
- Avolition:
- finding it difficult to begin or keep up with goal-directed activity
- sufferers of schizophrenia often have sharply reduced motivation to carry out a range of activities
- poor…
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