Discuss practical applications of one theory of cognitive development (Piaget, 24 marks)


Discuss practical applications of one theory of cognitive development (24 marks)

8 A01+ 16 AO2


  • When a child is a certain age they are ready to learn new skills. Activities can be developed to encourage the skills progress. This will be facilitated by the teacher (english & maths especially). Depending on the skills needed to learn by the child and its age these techniques may be used by the teacher: -puzzle solving with toys and props. -mixed group puzzle solving so less able children can be helped and learn from more able children. -problems specific to age appropriate logic and reasoning.
  • Schaffer '04 called it Piaget's greatest contribution to the education system.
  • Brainerd '83 demonstrated that younger children can learn to conserve when given appropriate training
  • Difficult to judge/vague concept.
  • IDA: Biological approach.

National Curriculum:

  • Piaget suggested…


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