Earnie's Scene

  • Created by: Trussi
  • Created on: 01-12-22 12:41

Earnie's Sequence:

  • In the opening scene, the doors are stained glass, a favourite of Hitchcock
  • The people inside of Earnies are older to help emphasize Madelin. Her back is open, uncommon in 1958, it is almost framed by the back straps
  • The almost neon green halts the eye of the viewer and redirects their attention onto her but also onto her hair which becomes key later on in the film
  • She is the only woman in the room who is wearing clothes of emerald green. This is a further attempt to attract the attention of the viewer
  • As Madelin approaches Scottie, there is a Tabula Scalata on the wall, this is a double image. It shows two pictures but only one can be seen aby the onlloker depending on the direction they look at it from. This reflects Madelins "Double Life"
  • As Madelin exits, based on her train, presents her more floating than walking. This


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