Economy and Society of Germany- 1933-45
- Created by: kianey12
- Created on: 20-06-17 10:53
How far did the Nazi government manage to create full Employment?
In Jan 1933 Hitlers Government was confronted with formidable economic problems.
- The Germany economy was practically bankrupt and the official unemployment rate was well over 6 million.
- Industrial production had declined to the levels of the 1890's while the volume of German trade has sunk by 50%.
- Agriculture was burdened with debt and was uncompetitive intonationally.
However, there were advantages;
- The Great Depression was easing and the beginning of an economic recovery was detected.
- Hitler was able to build on plans put forward by Von Schleicher to create work by building houses and roads and improving agriculture.
- Reparations were scraped in 1932 and the Reichsmark was no longer tied closely to the gold standard, wich enabled the government to inject more money into the economy.
- The Voluntary Reich Labour Service, which in 1932 had enrolled nearly 300,000 men in short-term agricultural jobs, set up work for the…
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