Edexcel 1.2 practices catholic Christianity questions (unfinished)
- Created by: mikiniki
- Created on: 18-12-22 19:36
What is the sacramental nature of reality?
Belief of G’s creation shows presence of G- G’s power/nature can be understood/seen through the things he’s made
What are sacraments?
Outward signs that an inward gift of grace has been given by G
What is the practice of the sacrament of baptism?
parents / godparents bring the child to church
priest pours water over the child
baptising in name of the Trinity
Anoints w chrism
Gives a lighted candle
What is the symbolism of the sacrament of baptism?
Water -> washing away sin
oil/candle-> being claimed by christ
What is the meaning of the sacrament of baptism?
Original sin child is born w is washed away
What is the importance of the sacrament of baptism?
CCC teaches w/o baptism, a person cannot receive other sacraments
Baptism washes away original sin so baptised can achieve salvation/enter heaven
What is the practice of the sacrament of confirmation?
Candidate renews vows made on their behalf at baptism
Bishop lays hands on candidate/anoints them w chrism
What is the symbolism of the sacrament of confirmation?
Laying of hands-> gift of HS
oil-> being called out for a…
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