Emotional Development
- Created by: Staleyemily
- Created on: 02-10-18 11:46
Emotional Development across the life Stages
Infancy (0-2years)
The first emotions that can be recognised in babies include joy, anger, sadness and fear. Later, as children begin to develop a sense of self, more complex emotions like shyness, surprise, elation, embarrassment, shame, guilt, pride and empathy emerge.
Early Childhood 3-8years
Primary school children are still learning to identify emotions, to understand why they happen and how to manage them appropriately. As children develop, the things that provoke their emotional responses change, as do the strategies they use to manage them.
Adolesence (9-18years)
At this stage, individuals will be going through puberty, this is the increase in Oestrogen or testosteone. This can lead to mood swings, sensitive to others and outbursts of emotions. Due to the increase in Oestrogen is can make individuals feel self-concious, anxiouis and angry at any given point. For Males, due to the increase in testosterone they may feel aggressive and…
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