- Created by: jo bill
- Created on: 22-12-14 14:26
diabete mellitus
- colection of diseases of glucose homeostasis
- type 1 diabetes
- types 2 diabetes
- gestational diabetes
- accounts for 10% of NHS budget
- associated with serous complications
- shortens lifespan/accelerates ageing
Type 1 diabtetes
- immune mediated
- idiopathis
- formerly insulin-dependent diabtetes
Type 2 diabtetes
- insulin resistance with inadequate insulin secretion
- formely non-insulin dependent diabtetes
seondary diabetes
- diabetes secondary to pancreatic diabetes
- chronic pancreatitis
- haemochromatosis
- pancreatic surgery or trauma
- cystic fibrosis
- diabetes secondary to drugs and chemicals
- glucocorticoids
- diuretics
- antipsychotics
- B-blockers
- diabetes secondary to genetic abnormalities
- genetic deffects of B-cell function
- gentic disorders of insulin action
- infections
- congenital rubella
- cytomegalovirus
- mumps
- gestational diabetes
normal glucose homeostasis
Post- prandialy
- glucose comes from GI tract via SGLT1
- glucose stimulates insulin release from pancreatic-beta cells
- insulin promotes glucose uptake in hepatocytes, skeletal muscle and adipocytes
fasting state
- glucose drops- lowering insulin
- catabolism occurs
insulin secretion
insulin is produced by pancreatic beta-cells
- 51aa peptide comprising 2 chains
- synthesised on RER as pre-proinsulin
- signal peptide remoed before transfer to golgi
- cleaved by PC1/3 to form mature insulin
- stored in secretory granules
insulin release
- nutrient response - biphasic pattern
- basal secretion does occur
- catabolism occurs
sequence of reactions
- amino acids, transfer -RNA, ATP,GTP,Mg2+, etc
- pre-proinsulin synthesis
- proinsulin transfer
- packaging in vesicles containing membrane-bound proteases
- +zn2+ and release of Arg, Lys
- conversion of pro-insulin to insulin
- crstalloid zinc-insulin core surrounded by C-peptide
- Ca2+ and energy-dependent secretion of insulin and C-peptide
increased by:
- nutrients - raised glucose, amino acids
- hormones- glucagon, gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin, GIP, GLP-1
- pancreatic innervation -signalling via sympathetic, parasympathetic
- insulin -> phosphorylation of…
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