- Created by: jo bill
- Created on: 21-12-14 13:10
calcium ions
- ca2+ binding can alter the local electrostatics within a protein bacause of its shape and charge
- this can cause a conformational change in protein which can alter the surface/structure of the protein
- therefore, ca2+ can mediate signaltransduction within a cell
calcium homeostasis
- the concentration of free Ca2+ within the cytosol of the cell is tightly regulated
- extremely high levels are toxic and lead to cell death
- reduce background noise - so Ca2+ can act as a second messenger
a resting cell
- the Ca2+ concentration is low in the cytosol
- ca2+ pumps and Ca2+ exchangers
- ca2+ pumps incude:
- plasma membrane Ca2+ATPase (PMCA)
- smooth endoplasmic Ca2+ATPase (SERCA)
- Ca2+ exchangers include:
- Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX)
- Na+/Ca2+/K+ (NCKX)
calcium entry
- volatge gated Ca2+ selective channels (CaV)
a change in voltage can cause each channel to conduct roughly a million Ca2+ ions per second down the 20,000-fold gradient
2.transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels
- located in the plasma membrane
- permeable to cations
- sensory tranduction
3. Ca2+ release activated calcium (CRAC) channels
- located in the plasma membrane
- a component of this channel - ORAII
- ORAII is able to interact with a second protein - STIMI
- STIM I is able to detect when ER Ca2+ is low
- STIMs can also activate some TRPs
-so this pathway is used to replenish ER Ca2+…
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