Energy Security
- Created by: ciara_odoherty
- Created on: 24-01-16 16:01
Energy Security
Renewable Energy - energy from a source that is not depleted when used, e.g. wind, solar power, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric, wave, biomass
Non-Renewable Energy - energy existing in finite quantity and not able to be replenished, e.g. coal, oil, gas
Environmental Costs
- Non-renewable
- Coal
- greenhouse gasses
- opencast mining (scars the landscape)
- enhanced greenhouse effect
- visually ugly
- acid rain
- Oil
- leakages
- acid rain
- greenhouse gasses
- enhanced greenhouse effect
- Natural gas
- greenhouse effect
- enhanced greenhouse effect
- Nuclear
- water taken from rivers and lakes to cool
- releasing water back at a different temperature and disturb natural ecosystem
- radiation leak to the environment e.g. Great Tohoku Earthquake 2001 in Japan. Fukushima plant meltdown or Chernobyl nuclear
- nuclear waste
- Coal
- Renewable
- Solar
- Large amount of land for solar farms
- use toxic materials to make the PV cells
- To make them they produce greenhouse gasses
- Wind
- Produce noises - could upset animals e.g. cows - they produce less milk
- Flocks of birds killed from the blades
- Large amount of land used
- Visual pollution
- Tidal/Wave
- barrier stops marine animals moving (River Seven)
- possible noise pollution
- Solar
Energy Demand
Energy Demand - the need or desire for energy
Energy consumption - the availability and use of energy
In many places demand for energy is fully met, therefore demand is matched by consumption
However, demand can exceed availability
- Energy is used for a wide variety of purposes:
- Generating electricity
- Providing entertainment
- Propelling transport
- Lighting and heating homes/business
- Powering industry
- The Future
- Global geographical variations in energy demand increases
- China and India see the greatest rises
- Europe possibly experiences falls in demand due to improved efficiency
- Consumption in the Developing world doubles
- Increase of ⅓ in the Developing world
- Energy consumption in ‘2 worlds’ becomes approximately equal
Types of Energy
- Non-renewable
- It is a combustible, sedimentary rock formed of converted residual plant matter and solidified below overlying rock strata
- Coal releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants
- Coal is easy to burn
- Coal is inexpensive compared to other finite resources
- Coal mining ruins landscape
- Power stages are large and ugly
- Coal is easily transportable
- Fairly reliable energy source
- Coal mines are found in the USA, China, Australia and India
Natural Gas
- Non-renewable
- A methane-rich gas found underground. It can contain water vapour, sulphur compounds and other non-hydrogen gasses such as carbon dioxide.
- Natural gas is less harmful than coal and gas
- Doesn’t leave any residue
- Natural gas can be piped into houses for heating and cooking purposes
- Has a good yield for energy
- Can have gas leaks which can cause environmental issues
- Releases greenhouse gases when burnt
- Most of Europe receive gas from Russia. It is a long distance so they put pipes and also they have political issues so could turn off the supply
- Examples are North Sea and Russia
Nuclear Fission
- Non-renewable (could be recyclable)
- The division of a heavy nucleus into two parts, usually accompanied by the emission of neutrons (neutrally charged particles inside the nucleus), gamma radiation (high-energy radiation) and energy release. This…