English Poetry:
- Created by: priya
- Created on: 22-04-13 16:16
- Poetry Techniques:
Allegory: A symbolic narrative in which the surface details imply a secondary meaning.
Assonance: When words share the same vowel sound but the consonants are different.
Caesura: A break in the rhythm of a line.
Colloquial: Sounding like every day spoken language.
Connotation: The associations called up by a word that goes beyond its dictionary meaning.
Emotive: Something that makes you feel a certain emotion.
Empathy: When someone feels they understand what someone else is experiencing and how they feel about it.
Enjambment: When a sentence or phrase runs over from oe line or stanza to the next.
Iambic Pentameter: Poetry with a metre of ten syllables, five stressed and five unstressed.
Imagery: Language that creates a picture in your mind.
Irony: When words…
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