Equality & Diversity
- Created by: chels2000
- Created on: 30-01-17 17:46
o a person is respected as an individual
o treated fairly
o given the same opportunities regardless of differences
o treated according to needs
o race
o religion
o cultural differences
o gender and gender reassignment
o sexuality and sexual orientation
o age o family structure
o marriage and civil partnership
o social class
o language
o dress
o food
o music
o the arts
o education
o pregnancy and maternity
o disability
o choice
o confidentiality
o protection from abuse and harm
o equal and fair treatment
o consultation
o right to life
The values of care in health and social care services
o promoting equality and diversity
o promoting individual rights and beliefs
o maintaining confidentiality
The values of care in child care services
o making the welfare of the child paramount
o keeping children safe and maintaining a healthy environment
o working in partnership with parents/guardians and families and other professionals
o encouraging children’s learning and development
o valuing diversity
o ensuring equality of opportunity
o anti-discriminatory practice
o maintaining confidentiality
o working with other professionals
Support networks
o advocacy services (SEAP, MENCAP Empower Me, British Institute of Learning Disabilities)
o support groups (MIND, Age UK, Headway)
o informal support (friends, family, neighbours)
Discriminatory practices
o basis of discrimination (race, culture, disability, social class, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion)
o direct and indirect discrimination
o types of abuse
o prejudice
o stereotyping
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