Executive, Legislative, and the Judiciary


Executive- This branch of the government makes and passes the law and scrutinises the Executive branch.

Legislative- This branch of government upholds the law in the courts.

Judiciary- This branch of government are also known as the Administration and they carry out the function of administering the laws passed by the Legislative.

Walter Bagehot lived from 1826-1877 and said that he knew the ‘efficient secret’ of the British political system. “It is the fusion of executive and legislative power.”

In America, the three branches of government are very seperate. This is so that no element of government will become too powerful, they will 'check' and 'balance' eachother. 


Parliaments powers over government:

  • They can veto legislation- refuse to pass it

  • They can ask questions of the Government - and so hold them to account

  • They can hold up Government legislation so that it runs out of Parliamentary time and fails

  • They can dismiss a Government - by a vote of no confidence

  • They can refuse to pass a budget

  • They can scrutinise the workings of the Government - in committees and in Prime Ministers Questions etc

  • They can amend or change legislation - change what the


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