Extract 2 - Globalisation and Balance of Payments Inbalances
- Created by: sophiataylor98
- Created on: 12-06-16 20:32
Text and commentary
- imbalances refer to persistant current account surpluses for some countries constrasted with large currenct accounr deficits in other nations
- main way of measuring the scale as trade / current account imbalances is as a % of gdp
- usa runs a permanent (structural) current account deficity on bop
- countries running external deficits normally see their currency depreciate
- size uk external deficit halved from 2007 to 2009 due to recession
- since has been stable at $400b a year
- real GDP growth in uk economy post crisis has brought about a fall in the external deficit as a % of uk gdp
From diagram 2.1 we can see
- chine is running a structural surplus
- this surplus is falling
- usa has structural trade deficit
- this deficit is declining
- both economies have huge trade imbalances
as a % of GDP
- chinas current account surplus has diminished since peaking at 10% of gdp in 2007
- chinese surplu aved around 2% 2012-2014
- most likely because china has been growing at 9% each year
- 2004 usa were running current account deficit of around 5% of gdp
- improved sharply in 2009 and since is running around 2% of gdp
- still big trade imbalances
from diagram 2.2 we see
- the dollar has fallen sa a currency
- extent of changes isnt great
- depreciation between 2009 - 2011 of 8.65% but deficit got worse at this time
- this suggests J curve effect
chinese yuan exchange rate against 1$
- china ends fully fixed exchange rate against us dollar 2005 then yuan appreciatesuntil 2008 where an effetive return of a fixed exchange rate is put in place during global financial crisis causing value to remain same till 2010
- china devalues yuan in the summer of 2015
- trade imbalances between china and us - if everyone had fully floating exchange rates it seems likely ceteris paribus chinese currency would appreicte to a greater extent
Analyse and evaluate why a change in a nations currency doesnt always bring abour a significant substantial change in trade balances
- trade balance - X-M
how changes in exchange rates affects the trade balance (each bullet point acts as a connective)
- depreciation in the external value of the us $
- $ has fallen in value e.g v chinese yuan and japanese yen
- us goods and services now cheaper in forgein currency terms
- imports into the usa are more expensive prices in us $
- overseas demadn for us exports should rise
- demand for imports coming into us should fall
- ceteris paribus, the value of us exports will rise (depends on PED and PES)
- ceteris paribus, the value of us imports will fall
- so the us trade deficit should reduce in size
Evaluating the effects of a currency depreciation
In theory a depreciation of the exchange rate causes an expansion of AD and economic growth, but this depends on
- the length og time lags as consumers and businesses respond to a change in the price of exports and imports
- the scale of any change in the exchange rate (figure 2.2…
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